Landlord_and_Tenant_Guidance_COVID_pdfDownload Our pick from the Government Advice to both Landlords and Tenants during Coronavirus Outbreak. Most Landlords will not be able to issue possessions until 30th September 2020. Before Eviction proceedings can start, landlords must give 3 months' notice. Tenants should continue to pay their rent as normal and to the best of their ability. The...


Our pick from the Government Advice to both Landlords and Tenants during Coronavirus Outbreak.

  • Most Landlords will not be able to issue possessions until 30th September 2020. Before Eviction proceedings can start, landlords must give 3 months’ notice.
  • Tenants should continue to pay their rent as normal and to the best of their ability. The government has a strong package of financial support available to tenants. Tenants who are not able to pay their rent must speak to their landlord at the earliest opportunity.
  • Landlords’ repair obligations have not changed. Landlords are advised to keep properties in good repair and free from hazards as planned inspections may be more difficult.

Here at Melanie Estates, we encourage landlords to take a more pragmatic and common sense approach to non-urgent issues that are affected by Covid-19 related restrictions.

At the top of this page is a link to the full Government Advice to Landlords and Tenants.

If you are a Landlord and would like to have a chat about any challenges you may be facing with regards to your rental property, we would be more than happy to lend you an ear.

You can reach Alex Okolidoh on 07946681568.